Mission and guiding principles

Our mission

Make VCU a great place to learn, heal, work and live.
Our mission challenges us to think differently and innovate together in order to provide an efficient infrastructure that improves the lives of our students and patients, inspires research that impacts people and communities, and cultivates a healthy climate in which we all thrive.

Our guiding principles

Our guiding principles shape the culture of our division and set the standard for how we accomplish this work together. If our mission is the “why,” then our guiding principles are the “how.” Though our goals may evolve, these principles remain constant, establishing a framework for how we interact with each other and the communities we serve: 

Unrelenting commitment to safety and well-being
Lead and champion the safety and well-being initiatives that underpin everything at VCU.

Unparalleled service
Make every interaction amazing! Listen intently, own and solve problems in real time, consistently exceed expectations, and build a stronger relationship with every interaction.

Uncompromising culture of care
We all matter. We are all important. We prioritize our health and well-being and that of all our colleagues. We are professional and lead with empathy in all interactions. We value, engage, and support each other. We build trust and give each other the benefit of the doubt. Administration leadership provides opportunities for all employees to meaningfully contribute, engage and grow.

Unafraid creativity
Bold innovation and unique collaboration belongs in VCU Administration. We encourage it and we thrive on it. We accept and learn from failure. We do what is hard and what has not been done before.